The Bryant family have farmed in the Riversdale area for many years.  The family farm was originally situated at Oude Muragie. During this time the family had a holiday house in Stilbaai to enjoy during the weekends and holidays. The family then moved the farming operation to Stilbaai permanently. It was during a family holiday in 2003 cruising up the Goukou river by boat that Allison spotted this farm. She made inquiries and found that the the Kleinhans farm was for sale. They had farmed the land for several generations. Alison acquired the farm in 2005 and and started developing it into the beautiful farm it is today.

Initially the Stonehouse was renovated and a game fence erected around the property. Remedial work was done on the dam to enlarge it and improve drainage. Fields were cleared and pastures established. Added to all this was the primary investment of an olive grove.

Animals one will encounter on the farm:

  • Dorper sheep
  • Damara sheep
  • Rooi-poenskop cattle
  • Indigenous “Koekoek” hens
  • Horses
  • Turkeys
  • Peacocks
  • Springbok
  • Bush Buck

Meet the Family and Staff


Alison Bryant

Former co-founder and merchandising director of @Home stores, Alison was ready for a new challenge and realized a lifelong dream to own a farm. Her business experience and her love of nature and animals have been the key in making the Stonehouse lodge into the beautiful place it is today.


Gavin Bryant

Gavin is Alison’s husband, and a fisherman of note in the Stillbaai area. He is an expert of all things fishing-related to the dam, the river or sea. His ski-boat Incognito seldom comes back from a fishing trip without a catch of kabeljou, yellowtail, or yellowfin tuna.



Hanro Serfontein is the farm manager and Alison's right-hand man. He brings enthusiasm and a youthful energy to the farm team.



Aaron Mphande is our longest-serving employee. He's the jack-of-all-trades and always has a big smile on his face. He maintains the excellent housekeeping standards found at the lodge.



Patrick Lewis is the chainsaw dynamo who keeps the fireplaces supplied with wood for braais and cozy fires on a winter evening. Patrick is a handy driver, and helps to plough the lands with the tractor.